The Luxury Way to Sell

Over 250 Million 2024

premium sales

the first of its kind

LuxBid is a groundbreaking online bidding platform company, revolutionizing property marketing with unparalleled strategies that ensure maximum global exposure. By combining cutting-edge technology and innovative campaigns, LuxBid redefines how luxury properties are showcased and sold.

LUXbids real estate auction company

Our Partners

A marketplace of over 400 partners

Connecting with audiences demands access to premium inventory from leading broadcasters, publishers, and supply-side platforms. Our global network of data, inventory, and brand-safety partners ensures our advertising achieves the campaign objectives effectively and securely.

The EXCLUSIVE online bidding platform of

Luxury Home Magazine

Greater Nashville’s most respected publication for luxury real estate and the luxury lifestyle.

85,000 Readers per issue – 22,000 Physical copies printed per issue – 15,000 local affluent homeowners receive LHM in their mailbox every issue – 7,000 copies hand delivered to high-end venues and upscale local businesses – 300 distribution points ranging from grocery, to retail, & real estate offices – Expansive digital magazine distribution to local and out-of-area subscribers.

Tennessee’s Largest Luxury Real Estate Account on Instagram.

125,000 organic followers – Average Weekly Views of 470,000 – Average Weekly Interactions of 28,000 – Local + National Reach -Large celebrity & pro-athlete following – Reguarded as one of the top mediums in Nashville to launch a real estate listing – Backed by additional national LHM accounts with over 171,000 followers – Additional mediums include Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Digital Programing
Reaching affluent clientele based on consumer behavior & data.

Ads designed to reach a data driven audience with reach of 50,000+ monthly. Consumer behavior tracking to reach real people searching for auctions in Greater Nashville, or people who may be a good target for auction investing. Each campaign is specifically curated per auction. Reach includes mediums like The Tennessean, local news sites, popular apps, and sports media. All ads placed are “above the fold” for best visibility at the top of websites and apps.

Whether selling exclusively off-market or through our innovative online platform to maximize the return on your luxury property, reach out to LUXBid today. Let us deliver unparalleled exposure and expertise to your sale. Secure the exceptional results your property deserves with the world’s leading luxury brand.
